Your Road Trip To-Go List

There are certain things that you should have in your car at all times. And then there are certain things that you should at least have with you when you are going on a road trip. Road trips can be fun, but they are less fun if you don’t have a few things on hand.

Safety Items

There are many safety items that everyone should keep in their cars at all time. Here are just a few of them and why you should have them on hand.

First Aid Kit- It doesn’t have to be winter to have a first aid kit in your car. You never know when it will come in handy. Obviously a little first aid kit won’t help much in case of a car accident, but it can come in handy if you fall when walking around a park or get into some poison ivy, or even just to battle a headache.

Tip: Make sure that you replace items in the kit when they’ve been used. If you have anyone with you that suffers from car sickness keep some dramamine in there as well.

Care Emergency Kit- You should always have a few specific car emergency items in your vehicle that can save you from a nightmare. A can of fix-a-flat and a portable tire pump can be a savior when you get an unexpected flat tire. Make sure you have jumper cables and a jack, as well a tire iron.

Tip: You can make roadside car repairs a little more comfortable by having work gloves, a carpet square and a flashlight on hand as well.

Hunger Items

Sometimes it’s just not convenient to make a pit stop for snacks or water when you’re on the road, so it can be helpful to have something with you.

Bring along shelf stable food items like granola bars, dry series, dried fruits, trail mix, and nuts. Make sure you have a couple gallon jugs of water, or at least a dozen bottles of water, depending on how many people are with you.

It can be much cheaper to bring water and snacks from home than stopping at rest areas for stuff, where prices may be raised for tourists just like you.

Entertainment Items

For both emergency and entertainment make sure you have a car charger on hand for your phone, or some sort of portable charger that’s charged and ready to go. If you breakdown you don’t want to have to rely on the kindness of strangers to get a call out to a tow truck.

If you have kids coming along for the trip you may want to have a tablet or two filled with fun games or a portable BluRay player. For the adults, make sure you have some good driving music available!

Get ready for your next road trip and make sure you have all the things you need to have a fun and safe trip

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